Monday, April 04, 2011

WWDC2010 Learning Notes and Index

WWDC 2010 provided many useful videos. I only watched a few videos. Obviously, there is much for us to learn. I am going to force myself to learn most of the videos and put the notes on this site. I will extract the important parts and code of the videos and add some comments. The notes will be used for future reference. I will be glad if you are interested.

It is April 2011 now. Why do I learn WWDC 2010 so late? The answer is simple. I did not have time. When WWDC 2010 was held, I just finished my 6-year service to Autodesk. I was busy in developing my apps. I just learned several videos intensively and added iAd and animation to my apps. Now I want to broaden my mind and learn some new techniques.

You can get WWDC session videos here .


WWDC2010 Session211 Simplifying iPhone App Development with GCD

WWDC2010 Session206 Introducing Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch (1)

WWDC2010 Session206 Introducing Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch (2)

WWDC2010 Session307 Introducing Xcode 4

WWDC2010 Session308 Developing Your App with Xcode 4

WWDC2010 Session312 What's New in the LLVM Compiler

WWDC2010 Session313 LLVM Technologies in Depth

WWDC2010 Session314 Building and Distributing Your App with Xcode 4

WWDC2010 Session315 Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4

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