1. Check if ruby-debug-ide is installed
$ gem list
2. If not installed, install ruby-debug-ide
$ gem install ruby-debug-ide
3. Open the project in Aptana Studio 3, App Explorer -> Gear icon's drop down menu -> Debug Server
4. Set a breakpoint in a file, e.g. index.html.erb
5. Open http://localhost:3000/<your path>/index.html in your browser
6. Aptana will ask you if open Debug perspective. Of cause. You can see the server stops at the break point.

I've aptana studio 3 and after install that gem (i'm using rbenv for ruby versioning) and trying to run the rails server in debug mode I get:
ruby: no Ruby script found in input (LoadError)
Any idea on that?
nm found it, you have to use ruby-debug-ide19 for ruby 1.9.x
I am using aptana studio 3 for Rails application.
Though I am able to start the server in debug mode, its not stopping at the breakpoint in controller.
What could be the reason ? any idea?
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